For 5 years I have been working in Marketing, all I know about business I learned it doing my job, so I decided to attend to an MBA to change my professional profile from International Politics to a business related degree.
I have been in this MBA for only 2 weeks and I already find a big difference with my years in Social Science School, probably I'll have a different perspective after I finish my Master but right now this is what I think.
MBA: Lack of reflection, Lack of deep debate
International Politics: Lack of action
Why does someone study Social Science and why does someone study Business? This is an open question with thousands of possible answers but I will tell you my opinion.
What I felt during my years in Social Science School was that most people there wanted to understand what's going on in our planet, to think about world's future and past and to analyze global realty. They weren't there to learn how to do something, or to gain some particular skill. That's why during classes was common to have long debates about former empires and wars, and the causes of changes in societies, sometimes endless debates without arriving to any conclusion because of the understandable high complexity of world's realty. People finish their studies with a huge knowledge about the international system logic but without a particular skill.
What I felt during this first 2 weeks in my MBA was the exact opposite, people attend to a Business School to get tools and skills to progress in their professional careers. In case they have their own business, to increase sales, market shares and profits. In case they are in a big company, to get better jobs and higher positions. It's also common that students uses an MBA as a way to extend their networking. But nobody wants to understand anything deeper than how to do bussines or improve in the bussines world. So I guess when you graduate from a Business School you know how to do stuff, you have business technical knowledge but society looks the same to you than before you started studying.
Because of all this I think that Business and Social Sience are absolutely different but both can contribute, in different ways to your personal growth. My tip would be, study both!